Thursday, August 8, 2013


Of to camp we go. The following is the hand out I had emailed to everyone, I am just posting for easy access.

SRHS Cheer Camp Conduct and Instructions
1.    When working with other authorities figures (camp staff, other coaches) always refer to them as “Miss, Mister, or Misses” unless they instruct otherwise.
2.   Even though the meals are in block times, we will eat as a team at designated times. However, you may leave the table whenever you are finish.
3.   Hair and make-up: will be unison.
·         Day 1: small poof in front, the rest of the hair pulled into a high pony tail, and bow.
·         Day 2: Side part on the right, with the right side half way twisted up and bobby pined, then the rest into a high pony tail and bow.
·         Day 3: High pony tail with camo bow.
·         Day 4: Side part on the right side, each side twisted up with the rest of the hair pulled into a high pony tail and bow.
·         Day 1-3: Performance make-up is optional. Day 4: Everyone wears performance make-up. Remember performance make-up means flesh toned foundation/powder, mascara and eyeliner on the top and bottom lid in brown or black, with clear lip gloss. If you choose to wear eye shadow then brown and gold tones only, and if you choose to wear blush than pink and bronze tones only.
4.    Arrival: You will need to find your own ride to and from the camp. We will meet as a team in the parking lot at 9:00 am.
5.    What to wear:
·         Day 1: Team Polo shirt with team red shorts. Plain white/team shoes.
·         Day 2: Team White t-shirt with team navy shorts. Plain white/team shoes.
·         Day 3: Theme outfit for the first half of the day, the second half wear team Senior shirt with team black shorts, everyone else a white cotton razor back tank top with team black shorts. Plain white/team shoes.
·         Day 4: Uniform with plain white ankle socks. Plain white/team shoes.
6.     Big Sis/Little Sis: Through-out the camp weekend Both Big and Little Sis will anonymously leave encouraging notes daily, one treat (IE candy bar, chips, etc.) and one $5 gift. The Big Sis will also be leaving clues for their Little Sis about who they are daily.
7.   Cell phone use: During all scheduled activities leave your phones in your rooms at all times. If anyone is caught with their cell with them during a class or at the meal table, it will be confiscated by Coach Martinez and you will not get it back until camp is over.

8.   Departure: Once all rooms have been cleaned and checked, we will all gather and meet at the parking lot together. Each individual must check with Coach Martinez before they leave so that I know you are leaving safely.

Don't forget to bring a water bottle, and a packed lunch for tomorrow.

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