Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hush Day Rules

Hush Day is a fun way to celebrate Spirit Week and Homecoming before the big game. The main point of Hush Day is for the team to play a game that lasts all day that includes the student body, and shows unity as a Spirit Squad. It is a silly game that is a lot of fun, bonds the team, and becomes a fun tradition that team looks forward to every year.

Each Spirit Member will have three leis to wear during Hawaiian Day on Monday, 9/16/13.

Through the whole day you are not allowed to talk to any males expect for family, teachers, or if you are paired up to do a classroom activity/assignment by your teacher while in class.

If you talk to any males that are not in the exception, then you will have to give them one of your leis.

The game starts as soon as you arrive at school, even if classes have not started yet, and it ends as soon as school is over. (you all got a little lucky that Monday is only a half day lol)

Your goal is to not lose any leis. If you have all three leis with you at the following practice then you have won the game and you will receive a prize.

If you are missing any leis than you looseL

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